Saxon and Norman Kings of England
- Ealhmund King of Kent
- Egbert King of Wessex
- Aethelwulf King of Wessex
- Alfred "the Great" King of Wessex
- Edward I "the Elder" King of Wessex
- Edmund I King of England
- Edgar "the Peaceful" King of England
- Æthelred II "the Unready" King of England
- Edmund II "Ironside" Atheling King of England
- Edward "the Exile" Atheling Prince of England
- Edward III "the Confessor" King of England
- Harold II Godwinson King of England
- William the Conqueror, King of England
- Henry I Beauclerc King of England
- Henry II "Curtmantle" Plantagenet King of England
- Richard I "the Lionheart" Plantagenet King of England
- John "Lackland" Plantagenet King of England
- Henry III Plantagenet King of England
- Edward I "Longshanks" Plantagenet King of England
- Edward II Plantagenet King of England
- Edward III Plantagenet King of England